2020. május 28., csütörtök

Chapter 8 - Birth and Birthday

Hi Everyone!
Welcome back to the adventure of the Tidell family! Last time we followed Memphis around the house on his first day and then we went on a date. Today we gonna celebrate Luna's birthday and meet with the baby #3.
I start this chapter with Venus as she makes a mess because there is just a few chapters (3 maybe) until she grows up to teen.

Of course, this is Venus and she always finds a way to smooth things out. Here she is writing her homework and working hard to be an A student. 

Astra got a promotion and with that got a decent amount of money so I can build a room for the girls. I also bought a stereo for our toddlers since this is perfect to work on their movement skills but as you see it is more popular among the older sims.

There is nothing better than starting a new day with some push-ups. Venus is finally doing something that is a match for her active trait.

Then she and Astra shared breakfast together. I don't know what Venus said to Astra, maybe asked her the baby's father.
Where are the others, you ask? Well, they are doing boring things, like sleeping.

Memphis always playing with his kids whenever they want and this is just too cute. He is definitely a good father.

Venus met a new guy in the school and right after invited him over. He is Brodie Mellow and he is dancing because Venus is ignoring him. You will see him around sometimes because when Venus wants to invite him over after school I let her.

Yes, although Venus invited him over she seems very annoyed because he is in the house.

Venus: He is using the stereo so I can't concentrate on my homework!

You should talk with him...

That day Astra came home earlier from work because she was in labor. Baby #3 is coming!

Everyone, I want to introduce you to another little Tidell lady: Aurora. She definitely will get her parent's black hair but I will be very curious about her Lothario genes.

Luna wasn't as happy for her sister as I was. I think she liked to be the smallest so she can be her father's favorite. In this case, she doesn't have to worry, Memphis is pretty neutral about the new baby.

But there is no time to be angry since this is Luna's birthday. (The cake is the same as what we used for Venus' birthday. My habit is to put the cake into the family inventory and I just put to the table when needed. This way the cake longs more than one generation.) Luna is get the Whiz Kid aspiration with the Genius trait. Yay, a trait and aspiration that is matching!

Heres a picture of Luna's skills. With this, we get +15 points. Plus she got the Happy toddler trait, another +5 points.

After she grew up this was the first thing that she did. Poor giant bear :(

Some autonomous flirting and bonding while I can snap some good pictures of them.

Oh, Venus was really happy about her new sister. Good to see!

Astra needs more Research&Debate skill and she had a minute of calm so she started to work on it. Of course, a few moments later the baby started to cry.

At the exact minute when the baby started to cry the other part of the family is went out of the house. But with this Venus is maxed out the creativity skill. Good, good, more points for me. +10 points

Astra is immediately started to take care of her baby. Welcome back real Astra! I almost forgot how you look in real.

I end this chapter here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you'll be with me next time :)

Single birth: +5
Toddler skills maxed out: 3x5= +15
Happy toddler trait earned: +5
Skill maxed out by NTH: +10

Overall Score: +90

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