Hi Everyone!
Welcome back to the adventure of the Tidell family! It was so long ago when I posted the last chapter but I finally back with my sweet idiots. In the next two eventful (and very long) chapters, I will close the first generation but I played these things back in June so I forgot some things. In the last few days, I played a lot and I can't wait to show you the second generation. I start this chapter with this picture where Luna seemingly scold Sirius because he won the heir poll instead of her.
Yes, Sirius won but this was a close call with Luna. I also voted on him but I glad that not my vote decided the winner. But at the same time Sirius' victory means we had a lot of time until he can get the torch.
I moved out Venus and because I deleted the MC Command Center around this time (I had some problem with it) I controlled her a little to marry and get pregnant. Her husband's name is Clint Acosta. I don't plan to show you the spares spouses from close (I plan to make a family tree where you can see them if you are interested) but I will show their kids when they become teens.
Memphis is never boring, this time he tried to kill himself instead of going into the house when he arrived home from work.
Astra worked out a little, maybe because she is a little heavier than she was when I started the challenge but I'm not sure.
Aurora was very tired so she passed out and I lose 5 points because of her...
Astra worked more on her painting skill since I want their portrait before they become elders.
In meantime, she studied hard and graduated from university.
I downloaded a photo studio to my world and send them there to take the picture of Astra and Memphis (I used Luna's teen free action for this). I count a couple photo as immortalizing the torch holder but I don't count the points for it until Astra is max out her painting skill.
Astra received her diploma and she finished university with honors. I'm proud of her!
For her aspiration, she needs to get a job using her degree so she chose the Secret Agent career. She starts it from level 8.
We traveled to the library in Britechester since the last thing was to contribute knowledge on a research machine. With this Astra is completed her second aspiration which gives me +15 points (5 for the last milestone and 10 for the aspiration overall).

I gave her the Friend of the world as the next aspiration and started to work on it immediately.
Pumpkin was out so Astra greeted her with a big hug and some petting.
Venus is still insane... I mean erratic. Good to know. Gosh, I love her, she is never bored me.
Astra becomes a jokester and Venus chose the prankster side. They were on the opposite side but still get along well and having so much fun.
We bring Memphis too but this was what he did all the time... and his energy bar not even was red. I think he was super bored.
At the festival, Astra completed the third milestone for her new aspiration. Since I didn't count the first two now I give myself +15 points.
The next day she maxed out her cooking skill. It is not worth any point I still count it as a success.
Astra hunted down this girl on the street for her aspiration... Not creepy at all...
And she finished her third aspiration too what is again +15 points for me. I gave her the Leader of the Pack as next and created a brand new club with some random ladies in it.
It is Luna's birthday. She got the outgoing trait as her last one.
Pumpkin was out so Astra greeted her with a big hug and some petting.
Astra went to the gym to meet new friends and Venus tag along. I'm not sure which one of them is stinky already.
I bought the Incredibly Friendly trait for Astra and with this, her aspiration is super easy. She get a lot of new friends in the gym.
Venus is still insane... I mean erratic. Good to know. Gosh, I love her, she is never bored me.
Since this is a going out day for Astra when the Humor and Hijinks Festival arrives to the city we traveled here.
Astra becomes a jokester and Venus chose the prankster side. They were on the opposite side but still get along well and having so much fun.
We bring Memphis too but this was what he did all the time... and his energy bar not even was red. I think he was super bored.
At the festival, Astra completed the third milestone for her new aspiration. Since I didn't count the first two now I give myself +15 points.
The next day she maxed out her cooking skill. It is not worth any point I still count it as a success.
Astra hunted down this girl on the street for her aspiration... Not creepy at all...
And she finished her third aspiration too what is again +15 points for me. I gave her the Leader of the Pack as next and created a brand new club with some random ladies in it.
It is Luna's birthday. She got the outgoing trait as her last one.
She married her childhood friend, get pregnant and move out of the house.
Astra worked on her aspiration with this lady who is her clubmate and our postwoman also. She completed the first two milestones of her new aspiration. +10 Points
Sirius met with our monster under his bed for the first time despite that we have the lamps.
It is Winterfest so the family (mostly just Aurora and Astra) decorated the tree. If I remember right this is the first Winterfest in this family. Weird, I know but I play 14 day length seasons.
It is also Memphis' elder birthday. I'm pretty sad because this means he has around a week or a little more and we will lose him.
He aged very well, he is a super good looking elder sim, and look how happy he is.
I checked the rosebud achievement and the family has reached the first 100.000 simoleon what is +20 points for me.
Astra completed her fourth aspiration and give me +20 points.
Astra completed her fourth aspiration and give me +20 points.
Aurora invited over Alexander Goth and with this decided who will be her future husband but Alexander had a bad day and yelled at Sirius while he worked on his homework. Sirius was like: "Hey! Don't yell at me just because you have to marry my sister! It's not my fault!"
Luna came over but she was in the labor so she left immediately. She gave birth to a little girl, Mildred.
I forgot to mention before but I chose the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration for Astra next and now she finished the first milestone of it. +5 Points
Astra maxed out the painting skill, the only skill that gives me points because with this I can count the points for immortalizing her. +5 Points
I leave this chapter with this notification. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you'll be with me next time :)
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