Hi Everyone!
Welcome back to the adventure of the Tidell family! Last we completed Astra's aspiration with two interesting date. Today we gonna follow Venus' last day as a kid.
Few sim days ago Venus entered a phase where she listening very loud music and I start this chapter with a picture of Luna who is don't like her sister's new hobby.
Few sim days ago Venus entered a phase where she listening very loud music and I start this chapter with a picture of Luna who is don't like her sister's new hobby.
Look at her! I think she exactly knows how her phase is annoying for the others and she is proud of it. (I have to put the stereo into the household inventory until Venus' phase ends.)
I want a beautiful wedding ceremony later so we started to broke up Astra's relationships. We start it with Brayson. Astra looks here like a businesswoman instead of someone who is currently broke up with somebody. Well, maybe she is and she currently tells him that their love sold out, he can't get it anymore...
Because of her phase, Venus started to use the violin and leveled up her violin skill enough for the high school. Venus is a sim who thinks about the future.
I know I lost 10 points because of this but Memphis is just a few days away from elderhood (he had only 13 days left when he moved in) so since he had enough point for it I bought him a Potion of Youth. Now he is a fresh adult sim with many more days left.
He tries to spend his days useful so he started to use the chess table. As you can see everyone is using it just Luna not... Typical...
Venus not doing any more messes so Aurora trying hard to be our next mess queen. She decorated the house inside...
And outside. Good job, darling! Good to know that somebody is keeping doing this when Venus is growing up... *sarcasm*
Pumpkin becomes a very beautiful old cat. We gonna lose her very soon :( I will miss here even she was so annoying sometimes.
Look, Luna did something! Good job, Luna, you are such a good kid! (+5 points)
Venus, darling go to sleep, please! (-5 points)
Venus, go to sleep! This is starting to be annoying! (-5 points)
I know this is a weird picture but she passed out again (I just was too late to take a picture of it), the third time in a row! Venus, I swear to God if you no going to sleep and pass out one more time I will get rid of you somehow! (-5 points)
To calm me down and distract me from Venus Memphis started to take off the garden. Memphis, you are too precious even if you firstborn is giving me a hard time...
Of course, that night the girls found our very first monster. I don't know why when we have the lamps... Astra saved the night, sprayed the monster down, and sent the girl to sleep (especially Venus).
It is pretty obvious that she can't take care of the school and her needs when she is in the drama club so I made her quit it. (Maybe with this I used the second free action with her but I was so angry I didn't care. I not will use any free action with her in her teenhood to make this right.)
Because this is her birthday! (It was so hard to take her to shower without controlling her but I wanted to take this picture when she is clean.) She got the Erratic trait (perfect for the challenge) with the curator aspiration.
And I end this chapter with our very first teen. Look how beautiful she is, this is almost making me forget what she did to me in this chapter...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you'll be with me next time :)