2020. június 3., szerda

Generation 2 Heir Poll

Hi Everyone!
I can't believe we are here with the heir poll, I'm super excited about it. I normally not roll out my sim kids' trait before their birthday because I love surprises but I did for the heir poll so you can decide better who deserves your vote :)

The first one is our firstborn, Venus. She is quite a personality and gives me some headache through the game but I love to play with her, she always can surprise me (along with some point loss). She got quite an interesting combination of traits alongside the Curator aspiration what is not a big thing but collecting is always a nice thing, we could travel to a lot of places with her.

The next one is my beloved Luna who never disappointed me. She is an art lover genius who wants to get a degree. Her aspiration is one that Astra will finish pretty soon but still, I think the university is pretty interesting. Maybe we could move into a dorm for a little time to get to know some interesting sims.

Aurora is the legendary Don Lothario's daughter who wants a good relationship with a lot of people just like his father (just a little different way). Her aspiration is pretty easy so if she is our heiress we could concentrate the new things in Evergreen Harbor since with her vegetarian trait she would fit into that world perfectly.

Last but not least there is our little boy, Sirius. He gonna get the interesting Jungle Explorer aspiration that I absolutely adore and would love to work on with him. Plus have an heir instead of an heiress would be an interesting change. He probably would found an interesting spouse in Selvadorada.

You can vote for the next heir/heiress in this post or on the right side of the site. I leave the poll open for a week (maybe a little more). If you here please give me a vote :)

Chapter 14 - Venus strikes again

Hi Everyone!
Welcome back to the adventure of the Tidell family! Last time we meet the family's new chicken and with our new baby boy, Sirius. And at the end of the chapter, we celebrated Luna's birthday who became a beautiful teen.
Today Memphis is gonna act like a true idiot, we gonna meet with the grim reaper and celebrate a lot of birthdays.
Unfortunately, I start with this chapter with this sad picture because Pumpkin's days passed, the end came for her. Lately, she didn't get too much attention but the consolation is that Astra hugs her just a few seconds before her death, so she wasn't alone.

Memphis is lost his mind because of the grief so he is using his phone instead of bathing or peeing...
The family (except Astra) only got the sad buff for few hours what is infuriating since Memphis is got 2 days long mourning buff when that random old dude died in the pool, but only few hours when his cat died...

Well, this is what happens when you using your phone and then take a bath instead of using a toilet. Now you can go back to the bath... -5 points

I was right a few chapters before Aurora really mastered the creativity skill. Not surprising because she really made a lot of mess around the house.

The last two days passed quickly and this was the time for Sirius' birthday. He is sooo cute, I love him and his look is just half the reason, the other half is that he got the independent trait. 

The autumn and the harvestfest arrived to our household what is a pretty boring fact, but this reaper gnome appeared in the living room. I didn't even know that there is a reaper gnome and with his glowing eyes he is creepy. We gonna keep him...

Look, Sirius is started to working on his skills. Good job, Sirius!

Aurora is such an object user, she is using a lot of kid object in the houses, after the dollhouse the science table is her new favorite.

It was hard especially with the university but Astra is maxed out her career.

I didn't have any specific reason to take this picture (or I just don't remember to it) but this is adorable so I show it for you.

I didn't expect anything less from Luna. She's only been a teen for a few days and she is already brought home that A. +5 points

We working on Astra's last aspiration milestone and for that, she has to tutor 4 more students what is a pretty long time so we traveled there with some moodlet solver in her pocket and started it. It took more than one sim day but she completed this task too. Now only to get her degree is left what is only a few days.

Uhh Venus I'm glad you try to help with your little brother but you can't take care of your needs so I don't think you can take care of his...

Of course, Sirius can't let out of the mess maker club...

And there is no unfinished mess in this house so when Sirius gets bored of it halfway Aurora came and finished is. Bless her heart.

The next day Aurora gets the A just in time because there are only two days until her birthday. +5 points

Have a kleptomaniac sim in the tech guru career is pretty useful. Memphis is already swiped for us a computer and now this tablet. At least he steals useful items too not just chickens and books.

In the end, Venus shows why I love her so much, her needs are in red but she is successfully put to bed Sirius before taking care of her own needs.

Venus is miserable, except her social needs the all other is red and almost empty. She is super tired and tries to sleep but constantly wakes up because she has to pee, take a bath, and eat something. For a few sim hours, I wasn't sure she can to fill up her needs without help and all of this few hours before her birthday. Poor Venus.

But her birthday arrives so she makes a wish and became the first young adult from the four kids. She got the Neat trait with the responsible one (what is gives me +5 points)
I know I should stop play and make a poll of the next heir but tomorrow is Aurora's and Sirius' birthday so I gonna play until then.

I saw this in foreseen and I think we are lucky this is happening just now (and without a self wetting).  The pass out is a birthday habit for her I think. -5 points

Seriously Venus? This is the most important when you are dead tired?

Yes, I saw this is coming... -5 points

As I said before Aurora's and Sirius' birthday is arrived the next day. The first one is Aurora who got a Vegetarian trait with the Friend of the world aspiration.
I not gonna put here a picture of her look after the makeover because you can see her in the heir poll.

The next one is Sirius who got the Geek trait and the Happy Toddler trait (+5 points) with the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. Also, he is maxed out 4 from the 5 toddler skills and that is +20 points
This is where I leave this chapter and start to write one about the heir poll. I'm super excited since I love all of them and I super curious who gonna be the heir(ess). I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you'll be with me next time :)

Self wetting: -5
Passing out: 2x5= -10
NTH child earn A in the school: 2x5= +10
Max out toddler skills: 4x5= +20
Overall Score: +145

2020. június 2., kedd

Chapter 13 - The bush

Hi Everyone!
Welcome back to the adventure of the Tidell family! Last time we started our adventure with the teen Venus what is not the easiest so far. Then we celebrated two birthday and a weeding plus got the news about Astra's new, unplanned pregnancy.
In this chapter we gonna see what's the family members' new favorite place, meet the new baby and Memphis is gonna stole a chicken for us.
I started this chapter with Astra and Memphis because this is so adorable. They don't always communicate with each other, they have a lot of quiet moments when they are not talking just sit side by side and living their life with a happy smile. This is so heartwarming. 

I had to buy them a bush because we have only one bathroom in the house which is not enough for this much sim. Luna is started to use it immediately.

I don't exactly know who got this achievement but my tip is Venus, I didn't saw her sleep since she became a teen...

We spent the last three afternoons on the campus because Astra needed to attend 3 guest lectures. I took this picture after the last one and with this, she completed another milestone of her aspiration which gives me +5 points.

After the guest lecture, I immediately send Astra to tutor someone but that is taken so much time so she was exhausted when finished it and when she was home she passed out (after she went to bed and woke up to pass out, of course). -5 points

I don't think the middle of a mess is the perfect place to play with a superhero doll...

Aurora: Shhh, this is my nest!

When Venus' needs not in red she is love to trolling on the forums. She does this a lot and her mischief skill is on level 7 already.

I bet you already forgot the fact we have a cat, but Pumpkin is becoming sick so Astra gave her some wellness treat (please don't look at her deformed belly). Pumpkin is very-very old and probably this is the very last sickness in her life.

Aurora decided to ditch school and she seems very happy because of it.

Unfortunately, she spent this time making a mess, and since Astra had some free time she punished her with a well deserved time out. Maybe with this Rory is learn to not to make a mess.
Also, that is weird she can punish her because of making a mess but not for ditching school or send her to school...

Nos, she is not learned that...

Thanks to her mischief skill level Venus managed to get an A in the school. +5 points

Look we have a chicken now! This is the newest thing that Memphis swiped from his workplace. Thank you, Memphis, this is exactly what we needed...

Memphis: I did my best. The kids wanted to have a chicken and because that is not in the game this was the best that I found!

I see, we gonna keep it I promise, and I gonna put in your grave when the time comes...

The new bush is super popular among the family members, they love to use it, better than use their bathroom. As you can see Venus also loves to sleep in it.

Panicking father means only one thing... the baby is coming. Calm down, Memphis you two don't go to the hospital right now...

Memphis: Wait, what?

Astra still have a work to do, so you have to wait until she finishes it.

Memphis: You are a monster!

Astra: I agree!

Memphis: Nevermind then. Wake me up when we are going...zzz...

Astra: Memphis wake up! We are going!

Its a BOY! Astra was right! I'm so glad because lately I have to work so hard (or even cheat) to have boys. I mostly get girls (for example I have a family with 8 kids and there is only one boy who I got with cheating) in every to save file that I have and I don't know why so now I'm super happy.
His name is Sirius.

Pumpkin also loves the new bush, she is loves hunting in it, also fighting with her imaginary squirrel friend. But with this, she always brings Astra a feather pile that is awesome.

Of course, after some bush hunting, she has to run away... This is already a common thing...

Venus! I know you need a shower and you are angry because of school but not because of your sister's school project!

Luna is still perfect and trying to help with her little brother. She can't but at least she is trying.

I love when the kids run out to greet their parent and they are so happy. The kids only greet Memphis like this but just because Astra is working from home and only leaves when going to a class.

This is Luna's birthday. I'm not ready for this, I want to keep her as my perfect little girl...

Gosh, she is sooo pretty! I love her! She got the Art Lover trait which is interesting with her Genius trait and her aspiration is the Academic. What is not would my first choice for her because we are working on it with Astra but I love the university and this aspiration is perfectly fit for her genius personality. 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you'll be with me next time :) Also we have only one chapter until the heir poll, so stay tuned!

Completing an aspiration milestone: +5
Passing out: -5
NTH child earn A in the school: +5
Single birth: +5

Overall Score: +130